Edition Details
REM – International Engineering Journal
Ano 86 . Nº 01 . v.75 . jan./mar. 2022.
Lessons learned from leading diverse teams
Jório Coelho
Finite element computational development for thermo-mechanical analysis of plane steel structures exposed to fire
Natan Sian das Neves, Rodrigo Silveira Camargo, Macksuel Soares de Azevedo
Thermal characterization of soil-cement bricks using mining tailings
Ana Cláudia Franca Gomes, Carol Cardoso Moura Cordeiro, Ivan Julio Apolonio Callejas, Sônia Denise Ferreira Rocha
Steel desulfurization on RH degasser: physical and mathematical modeling
Antonio Marlon Barros Silva, Johne Jesus Mol Peixoto, Carlos Antônio da Silva, Itavahn Alves Silva
Comparative evaluation of three classical sizing methods of vibrating screens
Cristiano Geraldo Sales, Roberto Galery
MLA and optical microscopy as complementary techniques to the iron ore geometallurgical studies
Rafael de Souza Rodrigues, Paulo Roberto Gomes Brandao
Optical sorting technology for waste management from the Boukhadra iron ore mine (NE Algeria)
Issam Rouaiguia, Mohamed Bounouala, Chiraz Abdelmalek, Abdelaziz Idres, Aissa Benselhoub
Strain analysis in diametral compression test through digital image correlation
Angelo Quintiliano Nunes Silva, Roberto Galery
Short-term mine scheduling targeting stationary grades
Augusto Andres Torres Toledo, Diego M. Marques, João Felipe Coimbra Leite Costa, Luciano Nunes Capponi