The REM – International Engineering Journal (old REM – Revista Escola de Minas) is the first technical journal in South America. It was founded in January 1936 by students from the Escola de Minas de Ouro Preto and has since specialized in publishing articles in the fields of Civil Engineering, Geology, Metallurgy & Materials, Mining, and Mechanics & Energy.

Its objective is to serve as a publication medium for original technical-scientific works by national and foreign researchers in those areas. Original contributions (articles and letters) are accepted. Review articles are subject to invitation and/or editorial review.

General information:

  • Submission of articles for publication implies that the work has not been previously published and is not being considered for publication elsewhere.
  • The Editor-in-Chief (EC) or the Associate Editor (EA) will conduct a preliminary analysis of the submitted articles before recommending revisions or accepting them for review.
  • The Associate Editor assumes full responsibility for decisions regarding manuscripts and may disregard the reviewers’ recommendations if necessary.
  • The Editor-in-Chief will communicate the acceptance or rejection of the work to the authors.
  • The submitting author must be responsible for all communication with REM and must obtain agreement from all co-authors.
  • During manuscript preparation, authors must carefully read and follow the guidelines presented below.
  • Questions and doubts should be directed to the Editor-in-Chief:
  • REM requires the author(s) to indicate potential reviewers for their manuscript (see instructions below: Mandatory Reviewer Suggestion). Authors may also suggest non-preferred reviewers. It is up to the Associate Editor to accept or reject the suggestions.
  • Articles published in REM may be reproduced in other publications with written authorization from the Editor-in-Chief of REM and the authors.
  • If illustrations have been previously published, the source and permission for reproduction (copyright) should be mentioned.
  • According to REM’s guidelines, every submitted article must pay a submission fee in the amount of U$ 20.00 (twenty US dollars) or the equivalent in Brazilian Real. This fee will be implemented starting from January 2024.
  • Articles not complying with REM’s guidelines will be automatically rejected.
  • The submission fee will not be refunded in case the REM guidelines are not followed or if the articles are rejected.
  • The Journal adopts the CrossCheck system for plagiarism detection.

Mandatory Reviewer Suggestion:

  • The suggested reviewers must have knowledge of the submitted article’s topic.
  • The suggested reviewers must hold a Ph.D. degree or be considered to have “recognized expertise” by the scientific community.
  • The suggested reviewers cannot belong to the authors’ institution. They also cannot originate from the same entity.


  • Articles will be accepted in English.
  • Microsoft Word is the recommended software for the body of the article.
  • The paper size to be used is A4 and should have 2cm margins.
  • The text should not be presented in columns.
  • Articles should be precise, not longer than 12 pages ± 2, in size 12 Times New Roman font, including abstracts, Keywords, illustrations, tables, bibliographical references, etc.Articles should be typed with single spacing (given a space between each item).
  • Note: after the first peer review, whereupon additional information is requested by the reviewer, an additional 2 or 3 pages may be authorized.
  • Attention: The illustrations (photos, maps, tables etc.) should be inserted in the text and MUST BE SENT along with the text as jpg or tif or excel extensions.

Send of the manuscripts

Manuscript Submission

Regular articles, focused on new data, may discuss any aspect of the areas that REM deals with. These articles are reviewed by at least two expert readers indicated by the Associate Editor

The article’s outline should maintain the following standard format for publication:

  • Title(Avoid long titles and unnecessary words: “Study about….”, “Contribution to …”)
    Abstract(Each paper must be preceded by an abstract presenting a concise summary of the facts contained in the article, keywords, illuminating important facts and conclusions. This abstract of about 150 to 250 words is required. No references, figures, or tables should be included in the abstract.)
    • Material e method
    • Results
    • Discussion
    • Conclusions
    • References.

Mandatory: about authors

  • The name of the authors should not be inserted in the article. Author data should also be sent in a separate WORD file.
  • The order for the names should follow the author’s degree of participation in the research, being the first one, the one who participated the most.
  • As you well know, indexation in SciElo requires the precise indication of author affiliation, which is necessary for obtaining different bibliographic indicators.
  • Author affiliation should be restricted to: name of the institutional entity, City, State (or Provence) and Country and should be presented separate from the author’s name and title.
  • ORCID register.

Line drawings
• Definition: Black and white graphic with no shading.
• Do not use faint lines and/or lettering and check that all lines and lettering within the figures are legible at final size.
• All lines should be at least 0.1 mm (0.3 pt) wide.
• Scanned line drawings and line drawings in bitmap format should have a minimum resolution of 200 dpi.
• Vector graphics containing fonts must have the fonts embedded in the files.
• Shades of gray in drawings should be no less than 20% apart to be distinguished easily in print.

• All tables are to be sequentially numbered, using Arabic numerals. Use Word or Excel— a format that we can edit for style.
• Tables should always be cited within the text in consecutive numerical order.
• Footnotes to tables should be indicated by superscript lower-case letters (or asterisks for significance values and other statistical data) and included beneath the table body.
• Table legends must be brief, and self-sufficient explanations of the illustrations. The legends should be placed at the top of the tables.

Photos and Plates
Photos should be scanned at no less than 200 dpi.

  • Several figures or figure parts should be grouped in a plate on one page.
  • Figure legendsmust be brief, self-sufficient explanations of the illustrations. The legends should be placed at the bottom of the figures or photos.


Must be brief, self-sufficient explanations of the illustrations. The legends should be placed at the bottom of the figures or photos.

  • • Readers can debate all the articles published in REM.
    • Letters should be concise, not more than 05 pages including abstract, illustrations, tables, bibliographic references, etc. In very special cases, a superior number of pages will be accepted, providing the data presented is extremely important to the understanding of the topic in discussion.
    • Papers should be typed following the publication format of REM articles.
    • After Editorial analysis, letters and their replies will be listed in the index of the volume in which they were published.

REM can publish information on recent discoveries or developments in the above-mentioned fields. Letters should be concise, not more than 2 pages, including abstracts, illustrations, tables, bibliographic references, etc. They should be typed according to the standard publication format of REM articles.

REM has a standard for presenting bibliographic references. These references should be cited as follows:

  • In alphabetical order.
  • Without numbers.
  • Cited within the text without numbers, in the example is given below.
  • In case of doubt, please ask the librarian of your university for assistance.


When citing literature in the text, use the following forms:

  • One author (Schwarz, 1984), two authors (Linhares and Costa, 1984), three or more authors (Spier et al., 2007).
  • If two or more authors are cited parenthetically, they are listed chronologically from oldest to most recent: (Skinner, 1979; Schwarz, 1984; Spier et al., 2007).
  • If the citation is not a parenthetical one (as above), refer to Skinner (1979), to Linhares and Costa, (1984), and to Spier et al., (2007).


Bibliographic references
Bibliographic references should be listed at the end of the text, in alphabetical order by first author’s last name according to Documentation Regulation NBR-6023, (updated in 2018). Examples of which are given below:

Articles published in periodicals
SCHWARZ, D. Inclusões em esmeraldas (Emerald inclusion). REM – Revista Escola de Minas, v. 37, n. 4, p. 12-21, 1984.

SPIER, C. A., OLIVEIRA, S. M. B, SIAL, A. N., RIOS, F. J. Geochemistry and genesis of the banded iron formations of the Cauê Formation, Quadrilátero Ferrífero, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Precambrian Research, v. 152, n. 3-4, p. 170-206, 2007.

Articles published in serial publications
BARBOSA, O. et alli. Geologia da região do Triângulo Mineiro. Rio de Janeiro: DNPM/DFPM, 1970. 140 p. (Boletim 136).

VICALVI, M. A. & KOTZIAN, S. C. B. Ocorrência de microfauna estuarina no quaternário da plataforma continental de São Paulo. In: Projeto REMAC – Evolução sedimentar holocênica da plataforma continental e do talude do sul do Brasil. Rio de Janeiro: PETROBRAS, CENPES/DINTEP, 1977. p. 77-96. (Série Projeto-REMAC2).

Articles published regarding events
LINHARES, P. S. & COSTA, A. C. Aplicação de recipientes fechados na dissolução de rochas minerais (Closed container application for mineral rock dissolution). In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE GEOLOGIA, 33, 1984. Rio de Janeiro. Anais[…] (Annals…). Rio de Janeiro: SBG, 1984. V. 2, p. 4806-13.

VERAVIJT, A. et alli. Penetration testing. Rotterdam: A. A. Baldema, 1982. 922p.

Book chapters
GY, P. M. Definition of basic terms and notation. In: _____. Sampling of particulate materials. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1982. 431p. cap. 1, p. 11-21. (Developments in Geomathematics, 4).

SKINNER, B. J. The many origins of hydrothermal mineral deposits. In: BARNES, H. L. ed. Geochemistry of hydrothermal ore deposits. 2 ed. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1979. 798 p., cap. 1, p. 1-21.

Every article submitted to REM must pay the submission fee in the amount of U$ 20 (twenty dollars)

Every article accepted for publication in accordance with the rules of REM, is charged a publication fee that must be paid. Publication charges can be paid in two ways:

Voluntary donation

When the fee is covered by a voluntary donation, REM has a charge of US$100.00 per published page. Some research groups, government agencies, companies, or individuals include funds for publication costs in their scientific budgets. Authors would benefit by obtaining publication charge coverage in this manner.

Personal payment

For authors who have not been able to obtain a voluntary donation, REM charges a publication fee per approved article of US$200.00 (two hundred dollars)

Attention: The exchange rate (US$/real) adjustment will be made every three months.