Edition Details
REM – International Engineering Journal
Ano 78 . Nº 04 . v.67 . oct/dec. 2014.
Rare earth elements in the international economic scenario
Carlos Enrique Arroyo Ortiz, Elias Marques Viana Júnior
An assessment of NRM-20 as a guideline and as an enforcement tool to mine closure in Brazil
Hernani Mota de Lima, José Cruz do Carmo Flores, Jardel Carvalho Dias
Perspectives for use of hydraulic fracturing in oil and gas producition
Carlos Mouallen, Wilson Trigueiro de Sousa, Ivo Eyer Cabral, Adilson Curi
Mathematical model and supporting algorithm to aid the sequencing scheduling of mining with loading equipment allocation
Felipe Ribeiro Souza, Michel Melo, Cláudio Lúcio Lopes Pinto
A proposal to find the ultimate pit using Ford Fulkerson algorithm
Felipe Ribeiro Souza, Michel Melo, Cláudio Lúcio Lopes Pinto
New constitutive equation for salt rock creep
Gabriel Esteves Motta, Cláudio Lúcio Lopes Pinto
Methodology for determining rom size distribution
Christiane Ribeiro da Silva, Vládia C. G. de Souza, Jair C. Koppe
Potvin stability graph applied to brazilian geomechanic environment
Michel Melo, Cláudio Lúcio Lopes Pinto, José Ildefonso Gusmão Dutra
Diagnosis about iron ore mine haul roads in the Quadrilátero Ferrífero – Itabira Complex case
Maíra dos Santos Reis, Waldyr Lopes de Oliveira Filho, Ely Oliveira, Gladsney Pena
The effect of accumulation in 2D estimates in phosphatic ore
João Felipe Coimbra Leite Costa, Evangelina Maria Apparicio da Silva
Fuzzy Algorithm for clustering of discontinuity sets
André Monteiro Klen, Milene Sabino Lana
Logistic evaluation of an underground mine using simulation
Marcelo Moretti Fioroni, Letícia Cristina Alves dos Santos, Luiz Augusto G. Franzese, Josiane Cordeiro Seixas, Bruno Salaomão Penna, Gerson Mendes de Alkmim